Monthly Archives: October 2016

True Success Stories of Foster Care

Too many times, we hear about negative things that happen in foster care, but there are many true stories of foster children who have been helped. Here are several stories of both parents and children that are sure to inspire you. Eric & Jaci Hasemeyer The Hasemeyer family led a fairly normal life until one day, when Jaci encountered a fifth-grade boy who refused a free ticket to the skating rink because there would be no one to take him. Eric and Jaci had three kids at the time, but [...]

By |2019-08-06T17:28:05+00:00October 28th, 2016|Foster Care in CA|Comments Off on True Success Stories of Foster Care

Discipline for Older Foster Children

Foster children frequently come from traumatic situations, where they’ve faced abuse, neglect, rejection, or exposure to unsafe situations. As a result, there can be significant behavioral issues when an adolescent or teen comes into your home. Corporal punishment (i.e. spanking or any form of physical punishment), food denial, and removal of visitation privileges are all forbidden as punishments for foster children. Other forms of punishment, such as time-outs, just aren’t effective anymore. It’s necessary to find healthy methods to address problematic behaviors. Set Boundaries Foster parenting will be much easier [...]

By |2016-10-14T10:32:26+00:00October 14th, 2016|Foster Care in CA|Comments Off on Discipline for Older Foster Children
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